Friday, June 1, 2007

Home Sweet Home

The opening chapter for Episode I is going to be (for E1Blue, anyway) the Green Hill region, which consists of the quaint Green Hill Village, Green and Turquoise Hills, the piece of River Gimmick that hits the ocean, and Never Lake.

Green Hill Village'll be a tiny little quasi-forest town. Primary population are Ckys (those little animals that pop out of Badniks when destroyed), though a few hedgehogs like Sonic's uncle Chuck live there too. A townie shop and inn are set up in town, as well as the town hall (which is more the mayor's tiny house than anything). Residents of Green Hill Village include Uncle Chuck, Mayor Wicky, Facky (mayor's assistant), Jecky, Gicky, Pitacky (innkeeper), Socky (shopkeeper), and Hocky (local jock). Presumably there are more villagers, but you won't meet them till later.

Near the shoreline there's a spot known as Green Gardens. A bit more lush than the surrounding area, Chuck turned it into a bit of an exercise area to keep fit. On the opposite side of town lies Green Hill itself, and beyond that Turquoise Hill.

Never Lake is relatively near Green Hill, but doesn't get explored until later.

Green Gardens will serve as the tutorial area, where Chuck teaches Sonic the basics of the game. Green Hill Village will be the first town area, also the first area where Sonic will be able to enter rooms and buildings, buy items and equipment, and use his uncle's house or an inn to rest, as well as interact with NPCs. Green Hill will be the first action area, a combination of Green Hill Zone from Sonic the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog (GG). After that is Turquoise Hill from Sonic Chaos. After that's said and done, the first chapter of Episode I is finished as Sonic heads towards Bridgeport.

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